Digital Marketing Capacity Building – Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work (DI-MARC)

In order to further build capacities of city municipalities, Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade held a two-day training on EU and other international funds.

Regional Agency for Development and European Integration of Belgrade organizes training in Decembar as part of the Standard set of services for SME sector in the following areas:

On the basis of the contract on implementation of the project "Coworking 47" between Municipalities of Savski Venac and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Municipality of Savski venac has opened a public call for the selection of tenants in a coworking space.

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Erste Bank Serbia have signed a new guarantee agreement aimed at supporting micro-enterprises in Serbia under the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI).

Employment Council of City of Belgrade in order to evaluate the real needs and problems in the operations of SMEs organized a round table "Reaching goal through dialogue."

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications RS refers Public call for funds to support the development of IT community in the Republic of Serbia.

100 entrepreneurial ideas will be able to be implemented in the national competition Start up for your business, thanks to the support of Philip Morris.

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