RADEI is a regional development agency, established in 2002. Founding members of our organization are the City of Belgrade, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Institute of Economic Sciences. As an institution governed by the Law on Regional Development, over the past years we became the key coordinator of the development of the Belgrade Region and recognized as such by domestic and international development institutions.
RADEI represents the key factor of development processes of Belgrade Region, with the role to serve as a neutral broker and networking meeting point for public, private and civil sector in the region. RADEI staff has an extensive experience in project management funded by EU, international and national donors. Our staff is experienced in the project management cycle as a whole, from preparation phase, through implementation, coordination and monitoring, as well as in reporting and dissemination of the results.
RADEI successfully prepared and implemented projects funded by EU, international and bilateral donors, as well as national funds in sectors of regional cooperation, socio-economic development, entrepreneurship, youth education, competitiveness and innovation.
As a main regional service provider in the Belgrade Region, RADEI supports city administration and other regional stakeholders (public entities and enterprises funded by the City of Belgrade) in preparing project proposals and implementing approved projects. Through education, training and consulting services to its stakeholders in areas of project management, tourism, culture, rural development, green solutions, innovative and sustainable economic growth, RADEI attracted projects that contributed to the development of the Belgrade Region.
RADEI is very interested in building partnerships through joint development and participation in domestic and international projects. We can contribute significantly to implementation of projects through various actions and our fields of expertize:
- As a support to development of joint project methodology
- As a training course/ workshop/ seminar/ conference organiser
- As facilitator/implementer for data collection and analysis, focus groups, value chains, historical data, secondary research, etc.
- As a strong partner in networking, dissemination and further exploitation of results
- As a focal point to all relevant sectors and institutions in the City of Belgrade.
We Provide Information
We provide a wide set of services to SMEE sector, supporting the sector in almost every phase of doing business. RADEI provides wide variety of information related to:
- Start-ups and the SMEE sector operations
- National SMEE support programs
- Domestic and foreign access to finance
- Regional Development Agency database usage
- Business operations legislation
- Forming and operations of clusters, associations and cooperatives
- Innovation and protection of intellectual property rights
- Business partnership opportunities
- Specialized services and providers of such
- Business and innovation incubators
- National legislation and important regional development strategic documents
- Available local and international regional development projects and programs
- Active and potential investors in the region
- Regional development best practice examples
- Other information in accordance with specific clients’ requests
Our Expertise
Our multifunctional team works in-house - RADEI has employees with extensive experience in following fields:
Market research and analysis92%
Marketing and business strategy95%
Structured interviews and focus groups85%
Financial consulting90%
Education and mentoring99%
Energy efficiency75%
Cluster development95%
SMEE sector support99%
Women Entrepreneurship95%
Political sciences85%
Our References
RADEI has successfully developed and participated in domestic and international projects in variety of sectors. Some of the projects we have participated in are:
- “Entrepreneurship Club as a Function in SME Development” – A 5-month project supported by the EU and managed by the EAR (2005)
- “Support to Local Economic Development of Municipality of Voždovac” – Part of the SEENET Program Local Self-governments as Development Promoters, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Region of Tuscany (2005-2006)
- “Lazarevac: A Step to Business, a Step in Business” – funded by the EU, managed by the EAR (2006-2007)
- “Agriculture Cluster Rakovica” – A project funded by the EU and managed by the EAR (2006-2007)
- BIP – Business Innovation Programs – “Youth Entrepreneurship” Program implemented in Serbia (2006-2009)
- “Poverty Reduction Through Support to Start-up Businesses and Socio-economic Integration of Refugees and IDPs“ – HELP Hilfe zur Selbstilfe.e.V. (2004-2008)
- “Flower and Seed Manufacturers’ Cluster” – funded by the Norwegian Buskerund County (2010-2011)
- “Electro-magnetic Compatibility in Serbia – EMC Serbia” – funded by the EU through the RSEDP 2 project (2011-2013)